Understanding Machine Revolutions and Hat Production
There's two menus and we'll show you. This is the first one. So right now we are working in the fine rib knit or plain rib plane. Okay. We calculate the number of revolutions the machine needs to make a full roll. Yeah, correct. Okay. So every revolution you have 10 rows because there's 10 yards, 10 feeders. Oh, that's how it works. Okay. So the 10 lines we were seeing full color yesterday is, yeah, the stripes, when it goes from one to one, that's one repeat. Okay. And then so it would repeat. So we have to calculate, we'll set it at zero. And when the roll is full today, we will know how many rows it takes. Okay. So what we do here is they're doing 35. I just want to double check one second. Circle straight. I think he has 23 and 12, which will make 35.
Adjusting Machine Speed and Output
And then there's 35 times 35. So 35 repeats of 35 times 10. So 30 35 is considered one hat as they set it up in China, which essentially will be above, which is 350 rows. Yes. And then he's saying 35 of those makes a complete rule. But we will see, and that would be obviously contingent on the fact that yarn yarn size, well, and for us, 35 hats, sorry, one hat is two inches over 35. So it really, once we make the calculation with this yarn, it's more for you to know I'm getting 45 hats from a roll or 52 hats from a roll. But then it changes every time. It changes every time. What you are cutting, if you're making a long hat or a short hat cuff. No cuff. Exactly. Cuff. Small cuff, exactly. But you just want to maximize really the number, the most you can put in the machine, the roll, the roll size, you max, because it's when it's running, it's producing. And if you're stopping it at 40 hats, eventually you're making four stops more during the week or the day. And then that is when the machine stops spinning, I guess these parameters, the machine will stop once it hits those parameters. Output finished.
Machine Settings and Troubleshooting
What was to happen if the math is wrong, let's say we put, 45, but it should have been 35. So, then the machine will not stop if it's the roll is too big.That's something you, what's going to happen though, if it does get too big, it's going to stop rolling because it can't roll. And then the fabric is start to come down in a sense the bottom stop. So, always train your operators when they take something out, they reset. They have to reset. If they don't reset, it's just going to keep running.
Machine Speed and Settings
You cannot start the machine again. If you did not say roll because it says, I'll put finish and you say yes or no. Because how a problem like that could happen is, let's suppose you want to run a sample and you start running the roll. Okay, let's say you set it for 45 or 50 or whatever, whatever. And then in the middle you take it out and then you put another roll on, and then you hit the reset. That's fine. But if you just let it keep running and running and running and running, and then don't hit the reset. It's just going to keep rolling and rolling and rolling. It thinks you're starting at zero, but really you're starting with a small roll. So then we have speed set and then the actual speed, and then, so they've done four rows out of 35 right now. That's what the calculation is. But we cut it off a few times. So we can do, so you have the option here, single reset, if you've cut out a high cut, but that's only at the beginning of the rule, right? So it's more total recent. So if I touch this total recent, now you'll see the four will disappear. Yes. So now it has done zero turns out of 35 and zero hats out of 30. It's bad to use the same number. If I would've said it's 30 revolutions to make one hat, but now it's 35 revolutions to make one hat and 35 hats to make one roll. So we're using the same number over, and over. Because realistically it might be 35 resolutions to make a hat, but we want to make 40 hats. And it will tell you the knitting time to do the 35, the one hat. So this would also, you can say calculation. So it gives you an idea, three minute or one minute, and how many will I make plus the time.
Machine Speed and Output Control
Whatever's left, divided by the number I'm making will give me the amount of time it's taken to make one. So you have single reset here, which I don't think you're really going to use. Total reset. Single stop. That means after it makes one hat, it will stop after. It will stop after your calculation or what? So say you want to try something new, and then you go over here, you don't want to make a hat and a half or three hats, and you go, oh, it's the wrong size. And a wasted yarn, rarely used. Step lock is since on this machine, it doesn't make a difference on that machine. It makes a difference. It will stay in this hat. You're doing one function in that hat. You can choose two different functions, which is the tucking and knitting. Knitting. So you could say single stop, that means it will always run one of the two functions. It will stay in that function :the step block. And that's more for testing something. Again, I don't think you'll be using that function. Slow speed. We'll run the machine at 10. Say you just want to test the new yarn. It's too thick, too thin. You don't want it to overflow. You can either hold the jog button, which will slow, it'll slow and release. But if you run it on the slow speed, it will run on the green, but at a slow speed constantly without your finger on the button. And the speed is 10 here, which means that's your normal, because the other day we were talking about speeds and outputs and stuff. That is the job speed. And so, I can adjust that speed up and down, but normally we want to run it that normal. When you're running 55. 45 to 65, it depends on the yarn. Cotton, acrylic. You and I were talking about, it can't go to a hundred, but it's going to try to break all the time. So you better have to go stairs.
So, I would say between 50 to 65. 45 to 65. It really do you have a lot of production to make or, and you're running back and forth. Then you run it at 45. And if it stops, you know it's going to stop before lunch at 55 it might stop and you still have things to do. It's toss up there.
Navigating Machine Setup Options
So alarm jog is, say a light goes on, but you still, it will not move. But if you put alarm, jog on, you can jog it with the red light on to see what's faulty. So, it's an alarm bypass, essentially. And then you have the lights down here on the top, on the bottom. And then there's a little blower on the side just instead of, it's better to use the air gun. This is just an extra little blower, but it blows over here on this side, you can go from the other side with Bluetooth. So while it's running, you'd click that. Why would you walk to this side of the machine when you can just grab the gun and blow, it's more efficient. So system setup, 5 1, 6, 6 is the code password. So here's the system setup. So you have two, all the machines are set up with two different, the same screen, but this is plain speed is for the 180 4 types of machine only the fine rib.
Understanding Machine Speed Configuration
Top speed would be for this machine. On the other machine you would have zero on the top and 45 on the bottom. Okay. Then we've set up 10 for the jogging speed, which is the yellow speed alarm sensor is 10. This is just the number to give the sensitivity of the lights to go on. Oil time. It'll run for right now at zero. Zero means it's always, always for continuous, you want continuous oil. You could, there is an option to do it on 10 seconds. On 10 seconds. Like you do the pool, everybody pump or whatever. Yeah, yeah. Everyone just does constant. So right now it's doing, like I said, 35 to make one hat and then 35 to make the whole thing total out output is 35 and one hat is 35. And that's where you would adjust it. And so far they've made, 91 hats. And then you just exit. They ask you, did you change anything? And you say no, and then you're back.
Changing Machine Time Settings
Click on 'Enter program,' then enter 2, 3, 0, 7 for the date and 2, 1, for the time 10. 10, and then you have to press the programming button.